Sunday, September 20, 2009

Intercultural Observation

I began drawing manga characters ever since my fascination with anime and manga (a type of Japanese comic), which started during my secondary school days. Whenever my parents caught me drawing, they would reprimand me and tell me that I should be studying, instead of wasting time doing my drawings. Hence, when I bought my first manga during my secondary school days, I had to do it discreetly and hide it somewhere so that my parents would not find it. Eventually, however, they found out about my manga collection and were tremendously disappointed. Even at the present moment, with manga gaining popularity, my parents still disapproved of me attending cosplay events or buying more manga. Clearly, such hobbies are not encouraged in Singaporean environment.

In contrast, manga, anime and cosplaying are part of Japanese culture. With the constant exposure it became so rooted in their culture that reading and drawing manga is a norm. Even cosplayers are normally seen walking down the streets of Harajuku and Aikihabara (popular districts in Tokyo). Not surprisingly, almost anyone can be a mangaka (comic artist), since all they have to do is to draw and publish their doujinshi (usually a fan book) on their own.

As I looked back and thought about the reasons for my parents’ disapproval, I realized that in Singapore, reading a manga is probably considered as slacking. Likewise, a cosplayer walking down the streets of Orchard Road is labeled as weirdo since it is not commonly seen. I feel that, perhaps the lack of promoting comic production locally causes my parents to think negatively, that there is neither prospect nor future for comic artists. This becomes even more striking when considering that Singapore comic artists have to go through competitions to be awarded a contract with a publisher.

Still, with the upcoming events of anime and comic festival it can be seen that the Singapore society is slowly embracing comic as a form of art. It may take a long while to see the transition, but as an amateur comic artist, I am always optimistic to see the upcoming changes.


Anonymous said...

Hey Huahua,

I think Cosplayers make very bold fashion statement. As compared to the fashion in Singapore, they are more versatile and eye-catching.

I can understand your parents reaction towards manga. From what I know, these books are rather costly! But i think people who collect them would feel its worth it.

I feel your post could be improved if you could make more detailed comparison between either manga or cosplay in Singapore and Japan.Why do you think cosplay in Singapore would be weird? Would someone dressed up for Halloween be considered strange too?You could also include how Japanese feel towards their culture of Cosplay or manga.

Thank you for sharing!


Brad Blackstone said...

Thank you, Yuanhua, for this post that shows in greater depth your interest in manga. Much of what you say resonates with me because of my experience in Japan and my daughter's fascination with drawing and reading manga.

I have to show my ignorance with regard to one term that you've mentioned: cosplay. What is that actually?

Also, as far as an intercultural observation goes, your description only loosely hits the mark. I guess the fact that you were collecting manga and eventually your parents discovered that you were doing so qualifies as an "incident," but you and your family are members of the same culture.

What you could have done here is explain how your fascination with aspects of the material culture of a subculture in Japan seems foreign and misguided to your parents. (Did you look at the assignment as it was stated in the skill-builder?)

In short, I think you have an interesting content, which is certainly of a cultural nature, but you could have done a better job connecting your discussion to the original assignment specifications. Certainly, the value for manga, which originated in Japan, has become a cultural export. I wonder if you could have emphasized that as well.

Have you been to Japan?

Unknown said...

Dear Hua Hua,

Wow this post further confirms that you are indeed a manga fan who is ambitious to excel in it. :)

I agree with you that a manga artist is not considered an honourable career to many people in Singapore, in contrast to Japan. The fact that manga is a popular culture in Japan which its people of all ages enjoy, calls for a continuous supply of artwork from manga artists. This is definite not present in Singapore as we hardly see a middle-aged man reading manga in the train, as it is in Japan. :)

Your passionate post reminds me of my secondary school days of nostalgic manga indulgence. :)


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Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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